Baby Milestones provide a helpful guide to measure your child's development.
Unfortunately, they are often an additional source of stress and concern too. More so, when your child appears to be behind schedule. Read on as we seek to address some of these concerns.
What Is Expected?
0 - 6 Months
Gross Motor
Head and trunk control
Hold head against gravity in various positions
Sits with arms propped
Maintains balance in sitting with head turns
Fine Motor
6 - 12 Months
Gross Motor
Rolls and sits up independently from lying
Pushes into 4 point position independently
Pulls to stand with arm support
Cruises and takes steps with hand support
Fine Motor
12 - 18 Months
Gross Motor
Stands from floor independently
Squats to pick up toys and stand
Creeps up steps
Climbs stairs with hand held
Walk backwards
Fine Motor
18 - 24 Months
Gross Motor
Runs forwards
Walk up steps without help, commonly two feet to one step
Walk down steps holding adult’s finger, commonly two feet to one step
Walks sideways and backwards
Fine Motor
From the ages of 2, it is worth nothing that there is variability between children and skills may develop at different rates. Some of this may be attributed to their interest, the presence of elder siblings, as well as exposure.
2 - 3 Years
Gross Motor
Kick and throw a ball
Attempt to catch ball (catches with arms > hands)
Tiptoe and takes steps with hand held
Climbs steps using reciprocal steps, may use rail
Attempts to jump
Jump upwards or off low step
Fine Motor
3 - 4 Years
Gross Motor
Run, hop, stand on one leg
Catch ball with arms extended
Goes up and down stairs with reciprocal steps
Jump forwards or off higher steps
Pedal and steer a tricycle of bicycle
Fine Motor
4 - 5 Years
Gross Motor
Throw, bounce and catch ball
Jump over objects, jump and land in opposite direction
Climb playground ladder
Climb up and down stairs using reciprocal steps with minimal effort
Fine Motor
What Can I Do To Help?
Increase Stimulus
Tummy time
Songs, books
Talk and engagement
Learning and Exposure through Play
Gross Motor Skills
Fine Motor Skills
When Should I Seek Help?
< 12 months
Advised to seek professional advice if lacking milestones within 3 month “expected”
12 - 18 months
Advised to seek professional advice if lacking milestones within 3 month “expected”
Not walking by 18 months
> 24 months
Advised to seek professional advice if lacking milestones within 6 month “expected”
Key Points of Consideration:
Certain skills develop faster than others
Variability between children
Consider entire child:
Physical- Gross and Fine Motor Skills
Speech and Language
Advised to seek professional advice if more than one domain is delayed
Not meeting milestones along the way and seems to be lacking progression of skills